I meant to post this yesterday, October 10th, but time got away from me.
Grandmothers are the greatest. Especially if you're blessed to have one who takes her job seriously - seriously silly, full of surprises and rule-breaking. "The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy." I don't know about the enemy part, but grandmothers are the ones who let you get away with special treats that parents simply can't.
October 10th is a day of special memories for me. It was my grandmother's birthday, for whom I am named. Every year I take a few minutes to thank GOd for such a special lady in my life, and all the great things I remember about her. I'll share just a few quick but important ones.
~ She loved the simple details in nature, and took the time to point them out to me all the time. She would walk around the yard with me, pointing out the littlest flower or song of a bird, and talk about St. Francis. She was the adult who still took time to notice a beautiful sky or listen to the birds sing. Because of her, I still remember to notice the little details in the beautful world around me, something maybe all of us could use a little more of.
~ She loved our Blessed Mother. When I was little she would tell me how Mary loved Jesus more than anyone else, since she is His mother, and how we can learn from her to love our Lord better. It's funny how a simplistic childhood explanation and nighttime rosary everytime I stayed there really stuck with me - I have no doubt that my devotion to Mary stems from her influence.
~ She was so in love with receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. I remember, shortly after my First Holy Communion, I was at Mass with her, and she leans over and with an excited gleam in her eye says "we both get to receive Jesus!" Ok so at the time I thought she was a little crazy. I believed as much as any 7 year-old who was well catechized, but let's not push it lady. As my love for my Catholic faith has grown I think of that often! She really, truly appreciated the Sacrament like all Catholics should! The highlight of her day was Mass. I sure could learn a few things from that !
I have LOTs of special memories of this slightly daffy old lady, who could take a joke, even if it was at her expense. And I have no doubt I have a powerful prayer warrior storming heaven for me! She knows I could still use her influence :)
I'm Becoming a Real Carmelite
9 years ago
Kate, this is so sweet! Grandmothers are the greatest - Please ask yours for the re-conversion of both John's and I's grandmothers who were Catholic but no longer are.
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