On my "to-do" list for today:
change sheets
put away girls' laundry
clean bathroom
water plants
clean my side of the dresser
trip to thrift store to donate large piles
change Isabella's sheet
Actually accomplished:
slept in beside intermittently-nursing Anastasia
watched old "7th Heaven" episode
updated blog
read blogs and facebook
changed sheets due to absolute necessity after sick baby last night
went to Mass with Patrick and girls
took a nap
updated Baby books
The roaming GI bug hit our house last night; Mama and Anastasia were the casualties. Of course that means Patrick did not get a whole lot of sleep, either. He took a sick day to take care of us today, and my plans were shot. On the other hand, when else do I have an excuse to sit in bed alone and write in the girls' baby books?
Maybe once a month I could have a sick day... just without the sick.
I'm Becoming a Real Carmelite
9 years ago
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